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Want to learn the secrets of life? Start a garden today

How can we connect the thousands of people in urban food lines with the farmers in the countryside who have food to pick but no one to pick it?

just a hungry duck
and his friend

in my garden

When planting trees , turn the main vertical roots East & West , this will help the tree sustain high winds better to where heavy winds don’t just blow the tree over . You can’t use Cedar chips . They’re highly toxic and have nothing to offer plants plus when water runs off , it becomes an instant death sentence for Chickens . It has the highest level of toxicity of all trees ( that I’m aware of )

on the farm

As we Grow with the World Health Organization.

Our life aint easy as we Grow ….

Bill Gates Explains Why Legal Protection is Needed for COVID-19 Vaccines, Admits Hundreds of Thousands May Suffer Harm (with Video)

by Nick Meyer | September 28, 20201kSharesfacebook sharing button 1k

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Throughout virtually all of 2020, Bill Gates, the former Microsoft chairman, has been paraded out by the mainstream media as if he is an expert, even though he has never been certified as a health professional in any way, shape, or form.

While Gates, who has donated tens of millions of dollars to push GMOs on third world countries among several other endeavors, has also given billions to the World Health Organization, many whether his mind, and perhaps even his heart, are on the right place on the issue of vaccines.

Earlier this spring, Gates appeared on MSNBC in a bid to inform the American public about the work his foundation is doing to combat the coronavirus.

But what he said about the virus, and about the type of “protection” he and his foundation will need once the vaccine comes out, should be enough to give any well meaning critical thinker pause, regardless of their political affiliation or views on mainstream medicine.

bill gates covid-19 vaccine

Gates Warns: Legal Protection Will Be Needed in Event of Thousands of Vaccine Injuries

Since a ruling that vaccine companies are not liable for damages and harm caused in a legal sense back in 1986, the United States government’s vaccine injury court and system (VAERS) have paid out over $4 billion dollars to those who have accused these companies of causing them harm.

In many cases the allegations are serious, and there are patterns to the alleged harm being caused (just look up the symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome, one of the relatively common side effects allegedly caused by vaccines that may cause paralysis and serious swelling of the brain).

In the interview below, Gates shares a grim piece of news for anyone who may be on the fence about vaccines, considering the side effects they are capable of causing: there’s a very real chance that tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of people will suffer from vaccine side effects, unless the companies get the safety testing right, he says.

According to a September 25 article in Nature, concerns are growing about whether COVID-19 vaccines will clear safety trials.

And even if they do, it’s well worth noting that past vaccines (the ones that have caused billions of dollars worth of damages because of serious alleged side effects) actually did pass safety trials before going on to cause as much harm as they did.

The fear now is that these vaccines, already brimming with the potential to cause serious harm, may also be fast-tracked due to political reasons — an even more frightening proposition for those who know the harm these shots are capable of causing.

Vaccine Companies Need Legal Protection and Cause Harm and Suffering, Gates Admits 

In the video clip below from MSNBC from earlier this spring, Gates spilled the beans on vaccines, admitting that governments “will have to be involved” with providing legal protections as the COVID-19 vaccine is rolled out.

He also says that “700,000 people…will suffer” if the testing is not correctly done.  Considering that there are already many safety concerns with the vaccines being tested now, Gates’ assertion is even more bad news for those who have pharmaceutical company stock, as the race to develop a “fast tracked” COVID-19 vaccine 

Lions Gate Bridge Fall Fog

✬ ¯`•.¸¸ღ ❥ Fog and Gardening  ❥ღ¯`•.¸¸✬

A silk tree and Vancouver fog

The Silk tree

And the Fog

More Fog

Then Sundown

Dinner time

or off to the park

Super sunset anyways

The moon

Many of the craters that litter the lunar surface have been named after people who have contributed to science, people that are recognized as some of the most brilliant minds in recorded historydream-Who Designed the Designer Wallpaper moon

The Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, As Explained By Astronomers

“The moon is spiraling away from Earth at a rate of about two-and-a-half inches per year.”

The Wildlife of Vancouver Island - 2012

THESE IMAGES ARE OUTSIDE OF PRINT NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION DEALS Mandatory Credit: Photo by Bertie Gregory                                      “The west coast of Vancouver Island is home to an incredible ecosystem consisting of rainforest covered mountains which drop all the way down to a wave battered shoreline.                                                                                       Enjoy the harvest moon

2015 07 28 dc Harvest Moon Normal tag a

And a recent picture Of birds passing my moon picture in

November 2020

a closeup

shot of the city

Hot Summer

Down the line into the trees

It was getting a bit more like fall, then they played the skies in air and boom , HEAT WAVE AGAIN

2014 Deep Cove Ironworkers Bridge Vancouver BC
Full Moon out tonight

just a bit more fun

into the night

Now were into the Fog And rain soon

Photo by Tomas Anunziata on

Gardening & Landscaping – North Vancouver

I had to stop to answer to this sunset after a hedge trim today. different shots from zoom with different settings and color this one here

2018 jan 14 3rd fog chem lo lo

Getting dirty for Spring Gardening

“The role of the gardener is to observe what’s happening in the garden and look at what needs attention.”

07_06 garden pond ming

Veggies Seeds to start in March

  • Cool weather veggies go in now including:-arugula, broad beans, collards, corn salad, kale, Oriental greens, peas, radishes and spinach. Our robust veggie starts are generally in stock by early March.

Veggies Seeds to start in April

  • In addition to the above March list you can also plant:- beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots (unless we are having a colder/wetter spring) fennel, green onions, kohlrabi, lettuce, onions, parsnips, swiss chard and turnips

heal food herbs

Borders & Flower Gardens

  • March is the month to feed your garden. Trees, shrubs, hedges, roses, perennials, vines, and small fruits can all be fertilized now. We stock a large selection of organic fertilizers which we know you will love! Our bulk ‘Organic Mix ‘ Fertilizer makes it easy and it is great for just about everything and is available in a large sack or in small amounts by the pound.  Not sure what to use or how?  Ask us and we will show you:)
  • Rhododendrons, azaleas, heather, camellias, hedges and other acid loving plants can be fertilized with Plant Prod ‘Ever Acid’ liquid fertilizer for lovely deep green foliage and for the acidifying that they need
  • Plant new trees, shrubs, roses, perennials, pansies, small fruits and hardy herbs. Include bonemeal, peat moss and manure or your own compost when planting and don’t forget to water new transplants frequently
  • Hold off trimming down bulbs such as tulips and daffodils until the foliage is yellowing as this process is feeding the bulb for next Spring
  • Prune summer blooming clematis back to about 3′. Leave Spring blooming varieties of clematis to prune, if necessary, after they flower as you would cut off the buds if you pruned these now
  • Prune roses when the daffodils begin to bloom (usually early to mid March) and apply ¼ cup dry Epson salts around the base and scratch it in
  • Prune Spring blooming shrubs such as Forsythia, magnolia and lilac after flowering
  • 2016 03 06 dc lvl heart dated s  A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping
  • Weed gardens before the weeds have a chance to flower and go to seed
  • Compost or manure can be added to flower beds now
  • Purchase summer flowering bulbs, roots, and tubers such as dahlias, lilies, hostas, glads and plant as packages recommend.  Generally the winter hardy types like lilies and hostas are planted after March 1st and non-winter hardy types like dahlias and glads are planted after April 1st.  Begonias are started indoors from February on but do not get transplanted outdoors until after Mother’s Day (same as most annuals)Information is not knowledge 1
  • This is the time of year that the large shipments of new plants arrive and there is just about always something new at the Garden Centre!  Drop in and we will show you!

Pond Care

  • Clean out pond
  • Repot and/or divide pond plants
  • New water plants will be available at the Garden Centre in May

Lawn Care

  • Control Moss in lawns if necessary (You will need two days of dry weather after it has been applied)
  • Thatch lawn to remove thatch in older lawns and dead moss in lawns recently treated with moss control. (10 days after moss control)
  • Lime lawns in preparation for fertilizing about two weeks later
  • Feed lawn with a good quality Spring fertilizer.  We like BC made Garden Pro 32-4-8 as it is made for our specific growing conditions
  • Pull dandelions and other weeds from lawn before they flower and make need seeds

You can buy bags of topsoil at Home Depot for about $3 each or you can go to GardenWorks in Burnaby

and fill a big black garbage bag for about $4. Most suppliers of topsoil want you to order more than a yard. Delivery can cost $100, so you can end up paying $125 for a yard,

Grass is just like any other plant — it needs the right conditions to flourish.

when your lawn needs a hero

If You have the wrong conditions. Moist, acidic soil and low light levels are perfect for moss.

Change the conditions and reseed with a mix that has a high perennial rye content.


It should be pruned for size and shape immediately after flowering. Take the shrub down by at least a third and remove any dead or old productive stems. Some gardeners use forsythia as a hedge and like it closely clipped; others like to shear it into a mound or leave it to grow loose and open. It obeys all its masters.

.✻ღ ♥*✿*•        A-Plus-Gardening-Landscaping

My APlus Gardening music notes

#gardener #garden #gardening #flowers #nature #plants #gardendesign #gardenlife #gardens #gardenlove #green #mygarden #greenthumb #landscape #growyourown #flower #urbangarden #organic #homegrown #plant #growyourownfood #vegetablegarden #homegarden #love #gardeners #gardeninspiration #vegetables

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping 29 years In North Vancouver And West Vancouver…


✬ ¯`•.¸¸ღ ❥ Flowers And Blooming ❥ღ¯`•.¸¸✬

Flowers start as little buds on a plant. Then they grow larger and open up to reveal the flower. This process is called “blooming”.

When a plant only has a few open flowers, you can say that it’s “starting to bloom”.

After most of the flowers are fully opened, you can describe it as “in bloom”:    I see that your tulips are in bloom now.

And when the flowers start to turn brown, dry up, and go away, you say that they’re “wilting”


.2017 03 10 Vancouver bc flower garden crocus ( a

Most of us plant annual flowers because they will bloom for months, giving us color all season. Plants we call annuals are really just perennials that are not hardy outside of tropical climates. So one gardener’s annual may be another gardener’s perennial—or houseplant. For most us in North America, flowering plants sold in nurseries are meant to be enjoyed for one season before they die. To keep them blooming as much as possible, choose the right plant, water and feed it well, and keep it groomed.

1. Choose Carefully and Plant ASAP

Plant breeders have done a great job of creating flowers that seem to bloom nonstop, many with no help from us. Most are quite lovely, but they tend to be on the short side. The reason may be that short plants are easier to ship and display. But some of us still grow sizable old-fashioned annuals, like love lies bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus) and tall flowering tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestries), as well as a good assortment of traditional annual flowers that need a little grooming to keep them looking their best.

When choosing annual flowers for maximum blooming, look for young, bushy plants with no flowers. These will acclimate better in the garden than plants that have become pot-bound or that are already going to seed. Always choose plants for your growing conditions. Don’t try to fudge it with limited sun or overcook flowers that need partial shade. New plants aren’t established enough to take that kind of stress.

Get the new plants in the ground or pots as soon as possible after purchasing them. Don’t let them outgrow their pots. Give them time to get adjusted to being in the ground while they are still young and growing. Water the plants immediately after planting, even if rain is predicted.

2. Water Well and Feed Often

2016 03 26 Vancouver In Canada mudflats Flower garden oil w

Annuals don’t have deep root systems. Water them whenever the soil feels dry about 1 inch below the surface. Even drought-tolerant annuals will bloom better if they get regular watering. By high summer, that can mean watering some containers more than once a day.

Water is vital, but you don’t want your plants sitting in wet soil, which will cause the roots to rot. Plant them in well-draining soil. That means soil that holds the water long enough for the roots to soak it in while allowing the excess water to eventually drain off.

Annuals expend a lot of energy setting buds and blooming. Even in soil rich in organic matter, it helps to feed them every three to six weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer.

Heat can leave your annuals wilting every afternoon. Giving them a good, deep soaking in the morning will prepare them to handle the afternoon sun. Even then, there will be days when leaves will become crisp and dry. Don’t be afraid to cut these off and prune the plants back to healthy leaves. They will regrow quickly.

Mulching helps keep the shallow roots of annual flowers cool and moist. The major drawback to mulching is that it inhibits re-seeding, so try not to mulch until the volunteers from last season are up and growing.

3. Groom Regularly

2017 03 17 dc flowers

Deadhead often. Remove faded flowers and don’t let seed pods form. This is most important with older varieties of plants that hold onto their old flowers, like geraniumsmarigoldspansiespetunias, salvia, snapdragonssweet peas, and zinnias.

Many modern hybrids have been developed to be self-cleaning. Their faded flowers seem to disappear as new buds form and open. (Unfortunately, most are sterile, so they will never produce seed.) Ask at the garden center whether the variety you’ve chosen needs pinching to become fat and bushy and set lots of buds.

Even some older annuals, like the popular flowering tobacco (Nicotiana alata), impatiens, sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima), Wave™ petunias, and wax begonias, do not require deadheading to stay in bloom. It’s nice to include some annuals that need minimal maintenance, but if your flowers appear to be slowing down and there are a lot of faded flowers hanging on, it’s a good bet they will benefit from some grooming on your part. They’ll look better and grow busier if you keep them neat.

If you have plants that start to look ragged in midsummer, don’t be afraid to prune them back by several inches. For example, petunias can get long and leggy and will look better if they are cut back to 3 to 4 inches long, encouraging them to send out new growth. Coleus will grow straight up if not pinched regularly until it fills out.

If you are going away for a week or two in the summer, prune your annuals just before leaving and they’ll be back in bloom when you return.

Aplus Gardening Landscaping with a love to get it  right because they are your colors …   in West Vancouver and North Vancouver

Innovative urban agriculture projects

Growing with a lifeline in the form of an urban garden.  You can support your family by growing your own vegetables and spices. This not only helps to feed your family, it cAn become a source of income for yours  as well so you can now sell the vegetables and seeds to earn a living.

good vegetable garden

Growing food

Eating locally grown food reduces your ecological footprint, decreases waste from packaging, and eases concerns about food safety. Local food is also often fresher, more nutritious, and better tasting.

Urban agriculture refers to growing food within a town or city – and includes personal gardens, community gardens, and urban farms.

Council encourages urban agriculture, because it helps:

  • Encourage increased social interaction
  • Enhance the city’s food security and reduce our ecological footprint by encouraging more locally grown foods
  • Support and encourage environmentally and socially sustainable activities 2017 06 27 n Vancouver seymour dc tomato garden


Backyard chickens

As part of the City’s ongoing effort to help residents get involved in food production, you are now allowed to keep hens in your back yard. Read the rules, and register your hens.


Urban beekeeping is an excellent way to improve pollination for plants in backyard, community, and public gardens, which leads to better vegetable production. Learn the rules for keeping bees in your yard.

Urban agriculture guidelines

To help developers plan common outdoor amenity spaces for their projects that include opportunities for growing food, staff have developed a set of urban agriculture design guidelines.

Beautifying your boulevard and street

The City runs programs that allow residents to volunteer to tend to street gardens in traffic calming spaces, and provides guidelines for boulevard gardening

Japanese beetle has a taste for gardens to agricultural Food .✻ღ ♥*✿*•

bird bath aplus

A-Plus-Gardening-Landscaping Recommends  to watch for the Japanese beetle and the New dump rules  to

  • Identify regulated area
  • Restrict plant, soil, and landscape waste movement
  • Permits for moving restricted waste

Japanese beetle has a taste for landscape plants, ornamental plants, fruit and vegetable gardens, nurseries, orchards, and agricultural crops. As such, these beetles pose a genuine risk not only to parks and gardens, but to agricultural production as well.

A subterranean pest for much of its life cycle, Popillia japonica’s eggs are laid and hatched below the soil where the larva feeds on plant roots in its early stages in life. This introduces an additional layer of difficulty to manage the pest, as it is hard to reach them underground. In the adult stage, it emerges from the soil and starts feeding on the foliage of the plants, and then spreads its wings in search of additional food sources

Temporary transfer station for green waste in False Creek area

This means you cannot move:

  • Rooted plants and soil outside the area, year round
  • Above-ground plant parts outside the area between June 15 and October 15, the season adult beetles fly

 If you do not follow these rules, you will be fined by the CFIA.

$25: 1/2 pickup load
$50: pickup load even with the top of the bed
$75: pickup load heaped over the top of the bed

.✻ღ ♥*✿*•        A-Plus-Gardening-Landscaping

The green is growing  and A-Plus is sounding toning.

@    A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping

My APlus Gardening music notes

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