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Getting dirty for Spring Gardening

“The role of the gardener is to observe what’s happening in the garden and look at what needs attention.”

07_06 garden pond ming

Veggies Seeds to start in March

  • Cool weather veggies go in now including:-arugula, broad beans, collards, corn salad, kale, Oriental greens, peas, radishes and spinach. Our robust veggie starts are generally in stock by early March.

Veggies Seeds to start in April

  • In addition to the above March list you can also plant:- beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots (unless we are having a colder/wetter spring) fennel, green onions, kohlrabi, lettuce, onions, parsnips, swiss chard and turnips

heal food herbs

Borders & Flower Gardens

  • March is the month to feed your garden. Trees, shrubs, hedges, roses, perennials, vines, and small fruits can all be fertilized now. We stock a large selection of organic fertilizers which we know you will love! Our bulk ‘Organic Mix ‘ Fertilizer makes it easy and it is great for just about everything and is available in a large sack or in small amounts by the pound.  Not sure what to use or how?  Ask us and we will show you:)
  • Rhododendrons, azaleas, heather, camellias, hedges and other acid loving plants can be fertilized with Plant Prod ‘Ever Acid’ liquid fertilizer for lovely deep green foliage and for the acidifying that they need
  • Plant new trees, shrubs, roses, perennials, pansies, small fruits and hardy herbs. Include bonemeal, peat moss and manure or your own compost when planting and don’t forget to water new transplants frequently
  • Hold off trimming down bulbs such as tulips and daffodils until the foliage is yellowing as this process is feeding the bulb for next Spring
  • Prune summer blooming clematis back to about 3′. Leave Spring blooming varieties of clematis to prune, if necessary, after they flower as you would cut off the buds if you pruned these now
  • Prune roses when the daffodils begin to bloom (usually early to mid March) and apply ¼ cup dry Epson salts around the base and scratch it in
  • Prune Spring blooming shrubs such as Forsythia, magnolia and lilac after flowering
  • 2016 03 06 dc lvl heart dated s  A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping
  • Weed gardens before the weeds have a chance to flower and go to seed
  • Compost or manure can be added to flower beds now
  • Purchase summer flowering bulbs, roots, and tubers such as dahlias, lilies, hostas, glads and plant as packages recommend.  Generally the winter hardy types like lilies and hostas are planted after March 1st and non-winter hardy types like dahlias and glads are planted after April 1st.  Begonias are started indoors from February on but do not get transplanted outdoors until after Mother’s Day (same as most annuals)Information is not knowledge 1
  • This is the time of year that the large shipments of new plants arrive and there is just about always something new at the Garden Centre!  Drop in and we will show you!

Pond Care

  • Clean out pond
  • Repot and/or divide pond plants
  • New water plants will be available at the Garden Centre in May

Lawn Care

  • Control Moss in lawns if necessary (You will need two days of dry weather after it has been applied)
  • Thatch lawn to remove thatch in older lawns and dead moss in lawns recently treated with moss control. (10 days after moss control)
  • Lime lawns in preparation for fertilizing about two weeks later
  • Feed lawn with a good quality Spring fertilizer.  We like BC made Garden Pro 32-4-8 as it is made for our specific growing conditions
  • Pull dandelions and other weeds from lawn before they flower and make need seeds

You can buy bags of topsoil at Home Depot for about $3 each or you can go to GardenWorks in Burnaby

and fill a big black garbage bag for about $4. Most suppliers of topsoil want you to order more than a yard. Delivery can cost $100, so you can end up paying $125 for a yard,

Grass is just like any other plant — it needs the right conditions to flourish.

when your lawn needs a hero

If You have the wrong conditions. Moist, acidic soil and low light levels are perfect for moss.

Change the conditions and reseed with a mix that has a high perennial rye content.


It should be pruned for size and shape immediately after flowering. Take the shrub down by at least a third and remove any dead or old productive stems. Some gardeners use forsythia as a hedge and like it closely clipped; others like to shear it into a mound or leave it to grow loose and open. It obeys all its masters.

.✻ღ ♥*✿*•        A-Plus-Gardening-Landscaping

My APlus Gardening music notes

#gardener #garden #gardening #flowers #nature #plants #gardendesign #gardenlife #gardens #gardenlove #green #mygarden #greenthumb #landscape #growyourown #flower #urbangarden #organic #homegrown #plant #growyourownfood #vegetablegarden #homegarden #love #gardeners #gardeninspiration #vegetables

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping 29 years In North Vancouver And West Vancouver…


Garden Thing

life ain’t easy as we Grow ..

track fall trees

Down the line into the trees


– Back in the day, many of Vancouver’s homes had a veggie patch.

good vegetable garden

  “When temperatures are consistently 10 C at night, you can put out everything — tomatoes, basil, peppers.”]

strawberries, tomatoes, herbs and lettuce are excellent choices for growing in containers.

Early March: Sow radishes, broad beans, mustard greens and peas.
Mid- to late-March: Sow cabbage, salad blends, peas, beets, parsnips, radishes, onions and spinach.
April: Sow spinach, green onions, carrots, cabbage, lettuce and Swiss chard.
May: Sow bush beans.

We always recommended buying warm-season vegetables such as tomatoes, squash, peppers as seedlings at local nurseries and planting them out in late May or early June

We  recommend growing the following: zucchini (four plants), tomatoes (five plants, staked), peppers (six plants), cabbage, bush beans, lettuce, beets, carrots, spinach, radishes and marigolds (to discourage rabbits).

28 01 2010 camp dc tree free


Yes, zucchini. The veggie that gives so much you’ll be handing them out to friends and family like hotcakes. People may start to hide at the sight of “gifts,” but you can always console yourself with the dozens of chocolate-zucchini cupcakes you’ll be able to make.

Tip: Pick zucchinis when they are small, as letting them develop into behemoths dilutes their bright taste.


Pretty much any type of bean (from bush to pole) will grow and produce like wildfire, so much so that you’ll be able to pick a couple of handfuls daily throughout the summer.

Pole beans will need some kind of support structure for the vine to climb and twine – make a sturdy teepee of long poles or sticks, or plant against a tall fence. If the bean vines reach the top of your structure you can always trail them back down again.

Tip: Plant the “bush” variety of beans if you plan to can or pickle your harvest, as the smaller more compact shape lends itself to jars.


There is something incredible about the taste of fresh lettuce from the garden, and a little lettuce seed goes a long way when creating a variety of different salads. You can practically just toss the seeds into your garden bed and heads of lettuce will appear in droves. Pick new growth as soon as it comes up, otherwise your little greens will bolt and become giant lettuce trees.

Tip: Lettuce likes a cooler climate so make sure to keep the soil moist during the growing season.


Just as prolific as beans, from snap to snow to the kind you shell before you eat, peas are a wonderful addition to any vegetable garden. They’re fun to watch grow (you can start them as early as the soil can be worked) and they produce pretty little flowers that attract bees. Peas also prefer a cooler climate and if it’s a particularly cool spring you can plant another set about three weeks after the first.

Tip: Be vigilant with your spray bottle of mild detergent as aphids can suck the life right out of your peas.


Growing onions is easy, and they’re definitely tastier than when you buy them from the grocery store. Bulb onions are readily available in a variety of flavours, from yellow to white to red.

Plant a row and in as little as two weeks you could be chopping some green onions into your salad; wait a little longer (until the tops start to fall over) and you will have fresh onions to add to your soups, stews and stir-fry.

Tip: Store your onions in a cool place covered with a mesh bag that allows air to circulate.

2016 03 06 dc lvl heart dated s  A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping

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2014 09 27 Aplus phone



Rain into the landscape

2018 04 01 crow rain wet
This rain garden nestles into the landscape and demonstrates how storm water management features can be done in a pleasing fashion

Fixing Drainage Issues in Your Yard

what you can do at home to keep our waterways healthy and clean. Part of the  water bring lazy and taking the easiest  route

Why plant rain gardens?

The news has been saturated (pun intended) with water-related headlines lately: last year, Toledo’s water was contaminated with toxic algae. Locally in central Ohio, we’ve experienced elevated nitrate levels and localized flooding from heavy rainfall and runoff.

Though compacted and paved suburban or urban landscapes are limited in their ability to absorb rainfall, the creative gardeners among us can capture their rainwater in a rain garden. Treating your own home’s runoff is one way residents can protect our drinking water while decreasing harmful effects on waterways from flash flooding, erosion, and pollution.

Storing water temporarily in a rain garden allows it to draw down slowly, preventing the possibility that it will pick up pollutants and carry them to the nearest stream. Water is naturally filtered as well: gardens remove and degrade contaminants through microbial processes, plant uptake, exposure to sunlight, and absorption to soil particles. Properly designed rain gardens capture the first inch of rainfall, and drain within a day. Since most storms produce less than one inch of rainfall, capturing it reduces pollutants significantly.

How To Build A Rain Garden

By Kathy LaLiberte

There’s a new sort of garden in town. It’s easy to install, looks good year-round and has a positive impact on the environment. It’s a rain garden

A rain garden is a special type of garden, designed to collect stormwater runoff from a roof, driveway or other impervious surfaces. Rather than rushing off into a storm sewer or a local waterway, the rainwater collects in a shallow depression in your yard. This area is planted with native grasses and wildflowers that are specially selected for their ability to gradually absorb and filter stormwater.

2018  crows rain  ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ).

Rain gardens can have a significant impact on the water quality in our communities. Studies have shown that as much as 70% of the pollution in streams, rivers and lakes has been carried there by stormwater. By taking responsibility for the rainwater that falls on your own roof and driveway, you’ll be helping to protect our rivers, streams and lakes from stormwater pollution. Adding a rain garden to your yard will also provide food and shelter for wildlife, and give you a whole new garden that’s hardy, low maintenance and naturally beautiful!

Siting the Garden

Your rain garden should be located at least 10 feet from the house. A natural site is a low spot in your yard that often collects water after a heavy rain. Ideally this area receives full sun, but at a minimum it should receive a half day of sunlight. There should be a natural slope (at least 1 percent grade) leading from the water collection area (your roof or driveway) down to the rain garden. Choosing a relatively level spot for the garden will keep digging to a minimum. or call …

A-Plus Gardening & Landscaping

Once you’ve identified the new garden’s location, remove the sod and dig a shallow depression approximately 6″ deep. Slope the sides gradually from the outside edge to the deepest area. Use the soil that you remove to build up a slightly raised area on the lowest side of the garden. This berm will help contain the stormwater and allow it to percolate slowly through the rain garden.

If your rain garden is no more than about 6″ deep, stormwater will usually be absorbed within a one- to seven-day period. Because mosquitoes require seven to 10 days to lay and hatch their eggs, this will help you avoid mosquito problems. If you want to create an area with standing water for fish and amphibians, you can make one part of your rain garden deeper, perhaps as much as 18 inches in the deepest spot. Depending on the type of soil you have (sand, clay, loam), you may need to line that area of the garden with plastic to help retain a small pool of water.

A typical residential rain garden is 100 to 300 square feet, but any size rain garden is fine. Most people just size the garden to suit their available space. You can calculate the ideal size for a rain garden, based on the surface area of your roof, soil type and the garden’s distance from your house. (For more detail, see the links at the end of this article.)

The downspout from your roof or sump pump outlet from your basement should be directed toward your rain garden depression. This can be accomplished by a natural slope, by digging a shallow swale, or by piping the runoff directly to the garden through a buried 4″ diameter plastic drain tile.

Time to plant! Native plants are the best choice for rain gardens.

07_06 garden pond ming

They withstand difficult growing conditions and require little care. When choosing the plants, consider height, bloom time and color. Clumps of three to seven plants of the same variety will look better than a patchwork of singles. Be sure to mix native ornamental grasses and sedges in with your perennial wildflowers to ensure the garden has a strong root mass that will resist erosion and inhibit weed growth.

New plants should be watered every other day for the first two weeks or so. Once they are well established, your garden should thrive without additional watering. Fertilizers will not be necessary, and only minimal weeding will be needed after the first summer of growth.

Most rain gardeners wait until early spring to cut back the prior year’s growth. Leaving seed heads and spent foliage in place through the winter provides visual interest as well as cover and food for many kinds of wildlife. Once spring comes, burning off the dead material is the best way to knock back weeds and stimulate new growth. If burning is not an option, mow the dead plants or cut them back with a scythe or pruning shears.

Applied Ecological Services, Inc., has been installing rain gardens for more than 20 years. Their web site has lots of good information about rain gardens, and their Taylor Creek Restoration Nursery offers a wide variety of garden plants.


2016 03 26 lv flag maple rat

A-Plus Gardening & Landscaping

Aplus ! If We don’t know, we’ll find out immediately.

2017 08 10 N Vancoiuver dc flowers dc

David Tarrant’s favourite winter-blooming flowers brighten up the season’s bleakest days

Gardeners have many reasons to feel fortunate about living in B.C., and the ability to enjoy colourful blooms even in the depth of winter is certainly one of them. In fact, the southern coast and southern Vancouver provide ideal growing conditions for a number of winter-flowering plants. Those of us who live in these regions also know that our winter begins with the monsoons of November and ends in February, no matter what official dates the calendar may dictate. Because winter flowers bloom during the darkest days of the year, they are all the more precious and deserve a place in your garden that is not only sheltered, but that allows you to easily view the blooms from the comfort of your favourite chair indoors. To enhance the beauty of these winter gems, be sure to give them a dark backdrop, such as an evergreen hedge or dark-stained fence. This will allow every bloom to show up to perfection. Here are just a few of my favourite winter-bloomers, all of which have quite individual soil requirements. While some of these plants are hardy in Interior and northern gardens, keep in mind that they may not bloom in these regions until early spring. Viburnum x bodnantense is a cross between V. farreriand V. grandiflorum, both of which are quite lovely in their own natural forms. However the hybrid gets its name from the famous Bodnant Gardens in North Wales where it originated in 1935. It is a shrub that reaches about three metres in height and is hardy to –20°C. On the coast it often starts to bloom before its leaves have dropped in early November and continues on and off right through to late February. The sweetly scented flowers are borne in tight clusters at the tip of every branch and side spur. Plant one near an entry to your home so its fragrance can be enjoyed by everyone who comes and goes. The early winter flowers tend to be white whereas those that open from December onward are quite pink. Heavy frost can damage open blossoms, but there are so many flowers to follow that as soon as the temperature rises above freezing they start opening again. As far as soil goes, this viburnum isn’t too fussy. In fact, ours at the UBC Botanical Garden thrives in poor soil with absolutely no moisture retention. As with many woody plants, the best blossoms are carried on younger wood (in our case, two-year-old wood). With shrubs older than three or four years, don’t be afraid to prune out one or two of the oldest branches right to the ground soon after flowering has finished in the spring.

Always more info  in Vancouver BC

For more garden stuff Contact me

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping

North And West Vancouver BC For 25 Years As

❄ A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping…  ❄ •*♪ ♫

Maple Leaf Garden Centre

Dykhof Nurseries



Smell the Spring Flowers 

The gooseberry 2016 03 24  Harbourview Park  NV  garden flowers A first flower is crocus.   Crocus flowers are one of the brightest and earliest spring bloomers. Plant them in the fall and these easy-to-grow bulbs will light up your yard.2017 03 17 dc flowerswarm spring-like weather in Vancouver means many gardening enthusiasts have already got their hands dirty.

Veggies Seeds to start in March

  • Cool weather veggies go in now including:-arugula, broad beans, collards, corn salad, kale, Oriental greens, peas, radishes and spinach. Our robust veggie starts are generally in stock by early March.

Veggies Seeds to start in April

  • In addition to the above March list you can also plant:- beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots (unless we are having a colder/wetter spring) fennel, green onions, kohlrabi, lettuce, onions, parsnips, swiss chard and turnips

Borders & Flower Gardens

2014 09 26 piumkin pach in the hood in the rain

  • March is the month to feed your garden. Trees, shrubs, hedges, roses, perennials, vines, and small fruits can all be fertilized now. We stock a large selection of organic fertilizers which we know you will love! Our bulk ‘Organic Mix ‘ Fertilizer makes it easy and it is great for just about everything and is available in a large sack or in small amounts by the pound.  Not sure what to use or how?  Ask us and we will show you:)
  • Rhododendrons, azaleas, heather, camellias, hedges and other acid loving plants can be fertilized with Plant Prod ‘Ever Acid’ liquid fertilizer for lovely deep green foliage and for the acidifying that they need
  • Plant new trees, shrubs, roses, perennials, pansies, small fruits and hardy herbs. Include bonemeal, peat moss and manure or your own compost when planting and don’t forget to water new transplants frequently
  • Hold off trimming down bulbs such as tulips and daffodils until the foliage is yellowing as this process is feeding the bulb for next Spring
  • Prune summer blooming clematis back to about 3′. Leave Spring blooming varieties of clematis to prune, if necessary, after they flower as you would cut off the buds if you pruned these now
  • Prune roses when the daffodils begin to bloom (usually early to mid March) and apply ¼ cup dry Epson salts around the base and scratch it in
  • Prune Spring blooming shrubs such as Forsythia, magnolia and lilac after flowering
  • Weed gardens before the weeds have a chance to flower and go to seed
  • Compost or manure can be added to flower beds now
  • Purchase summer flowering bulbs, roots, and tubers such as dahlias, lilies, hostas, glads and plant as packages recommend.  Generally the winter hardy types like lilies and hostas are planted after March 1st and non-winter hardy types like dahlias and glads are planted after April 1st.  Begonias are started indoors from February on but do not get transplanted outdoors until after Mother’s Day (same as most annuals)
  • This is the time of year that the large shipments of new plants arrive and there is just about always something new at the Garden Centre!

Lawn Caregar big lawn

  • Control Moss in lawns if necessary (You will need two days of dry weather after it has been applied)
  • Thatch lawn to remove thatch in older lawns and dead moss in lawns recently treated with moss control. (10 days after moss control)
  • Lime lawns in preparation for fertilizing about two weeks later
  • Feed lawn with a good quality Spring fertilizer.  We like BC made Garden Pro 32-4-8 as it is made for our specific growing conditions
  • Pull dandelions and other weeds from lawn before they flower and make new seeds

Ensure plants used in  gardens will provide visual enjoyment all year long and meet the the sizes set out are set out front to back where visibility is a concern

plant right tree place aplusIn the garden.Garden accents can take the form of some serious statuary or be as delicate as a glass wind chime. Big or small, I believe such accents give the viewer information just as my card Does

My APlus Gardening music notes yp

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping
has been Working on the North Shore 25 years
In North Vancouver And West Vancouver and the GVRD

A-Plus Lawn and Garden does it professionally with all the Good tools and experience that is needed.
From -Lawn care to Tree topping, Pruning trees and Shrubs & Trimming hedges. also paving stones …. pathways and retaining walls.
Drainage and Ponds, Sprinkler systems & Rubbish Removal

For more garden stuff Contact me

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping

North And West Vancouver BC For 25 Years As

❄ A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping…  ❄ •*♪ ♫



Spring Sunshine In North Vancouver

✬ ¯`•.¸¸ღ ❥ Flowers And Blooming ❥ღ¯`•.¸¸✬


Last Week of Clouds changes When Growth Is Faster with Sun this week


And April is a new change In warm weather as the lawn start to grow

when your lawn needs a hero

Chafer Beetles Destroyed Your Lawn?

Some of the most extensive lawn damage we’ve seen lately has been courtesy of the invasive chafer beetle. With grubs feeding on grass roots throughout much of the year, lawns can quickly become wilted and brown as they struggle to acquire much-needed nutrients and water. Above ground, birds and small mammals act as mini roto-tillers as they search out a meal of grubs. The end result of chafer beetle infection is often wide sections of lawn, damaged beyond repair.

2016 03 23 crow beatle bug dig mess spring lawn garden aplus

By amending their existing soil with a quality topsoil to improve the nutritional quality and structure of their soil – the better to support a beautiful lawn!.

Some lawns may also benefit from the addition of garden lime, as heavy concentrations of weeds and moss are one signal that your soil may be too acidic. Learn more about what garden lime is and when you should consider using before applying lime to your lawn.

Keep grass healthy, long to ward off chafer beetles

letting grass grow to combat chafer beetle infestations.

“The adults in the summer have to lay their eggs into the turf grass, and if the turf is thin or if the grass is very short then they have no problem getting their ovipositors [organ used to lay eggs] into the grass,”

More on chafer beetles in B.C.
“If your lawn is mossy or thin, or if you over water, over fertilize that makes the grass really soft, really easy to rip up, so those kinds of things make lawns susceptible to chafer beetle.

“Really if the grass is healthy and the roots are deep and your grass isn’t cut too short, then chafer beetle is not a big problem.”2017 06 19 wv Vancoiuver BC ubc eagleridge flowers aplus fire p ss a

Oregano and Herbs for food

heal food herbs

Oregano oil is an effective food for thought and help


Oregano – an herb with an estimated 4 times the concentration of antioxidants as blueberries, 12 times that of oranges, 30 times that of potatoes and 42 times that of apples. It is well known as the most powerful antibiotic, which provides lots of healing properties.

The super oil of oregano has been used as a natural remedy in many ways, and it should be diluted before using:

1. Headache:

Rub the 50/50 mixture of oregano oil and olive oil on the forehead and temples, do not get any of it in your eyes.

2. Sore Throat:

The next time when you get a sore throat, simply add 1-2 drops of oregano oil to a glass of warm water and drink it, the symptoms will be relieved.

3. Toothaches:

Mix a drop of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and use it as a mouthwash, swish it around your tooth or gums for 2 minutes and spit it out.

4. Earache:

Also rub a 50/50 mixture of oregano oil and olive oil on the outside of the ear to cure the infection. For kids, use 25% oregano oil and 75% olive oil mixture.

5. Digestion:

Oregano oil is also effectively to relieve digestive problems, just take oregano oil internally 3 times a day and it will help to stimulate the flow of bile, thus aiding in digestion.

6. Insect Bites and Burns:

Prepare a 50/50 mixture of organic oregano oil and olive oil, then apply to the affected area to relieve the pain of any insect bites and burns.

7. Make An Natural Hand Sanitizer:

Mix 10 drops of oregano oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, use it as a natural hand sanitizer.

8. Fatigue:

Oregano oil helps to relieve sore muscles. Simply dilute a few drops of oregano oil in carrier oil and then massage on the sore muscles gently. Do this 3 times a day and you will feel relaxed.

9. Cleaning:

Oregano is an active ingredient for many DIY cleaning supplies. It can be added to water and sprayed around the kitchen and bathroom to remove bacteria and viruses.

10. Dandruff:

Oregano oil also controls dandruff. Add some drops to your shampoo and you will see results after some days.

11. Skin Problems:

Oregano oil is an effective treatment for some skin problems, including acne and eczema. Add a few drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and dab on the acne area using a cotton ball. Allow it dry up naturally, use it twice a day to cure the acne. Blend oregano oil with carrier oil and applying topically to control eczema.
A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping
has been Working on the North Shore 25 years
In North Vancouver And West Vancouver and the GVRD

A-Plus Lawn and Garden does it professionally with all the Good tools and experience that is needed.
From -Lawn care to Tree topping, Pruning trees and Shrubs & Trimming hedges. also paving stones Pathways and retaining walls.
Drainage and Ponds, Sprinkler systems & Rubbish Removal
and for more garden stuff Contact me

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping

North And West Vancouver BC For 25 Years

Winter Gardens



North Vancouver At sea level

Strategically placed lighting can create amazing atmosphere in the winter months.

2015 12 25 nv Lynn Valley Moon Lights

Stack, build, and transform natural objects into minimalist sculptures.

06 05 statue 07 06 2004 bike garden

Even weather-tolerant furniture or benches can look interesting under a blanket of snow.


Footprints will dot the snow and can be entertaining when there isn’t as much going on outside in the winter.

2008 snow


Birds will flock around hanging suet feeders and make homes in nearby birdhouses.

2016 01 04 North Vancouver BC eagle tree 2015 05 blue jay

Birdhouses can look beautiful when coated with a layer of snow; when placed on posts or on structures at varying heights, they add visual interest in your outdoor space.


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“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”
A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping
has been Working on the North Shore 25 years
In North Vancouver And West Vancouver and the GVRD

A-Plus Lawn and Garden does it professionally with all the Good tools and experience that is needed.
From -Lawn care to Tree topping, Pruning trees and Shrubs & Trimming hedges. also paving stones Pathways and retaining walls.
Drainage and Ponds, Sprinkler systems & Rubbish Removal
and for more garden stuff Contact me

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping

North And West Vancouver BC For 27


❀A Garden Beauty ❀ is Like waves At the Ocean

Now is the time to breathe and nourish the soul. We all have our own way of doing that.

2014 09 29 We are all conected by the air we breathe flag

I will be Meditating on glorious color, harmony—and beauty in the garden as I  Work and play.

07 11 garden jobs are u wasted recording studio (13)


2006 05 pond West Vancouver

2006 05 pond West Vancouver


06 05 hot statue

West Vancouver

2006 05 pond West Vancouver

Waterfall leading to a second pond in West Vancouver BC

2014 09 26 pumpkin patch in the yard in the rain

And a pumpkin patch in the yard in the rain makes Color




Rock Garden

garden pond

Fall color Pond

house hobit

And for when it rains you need a Hobbit House

Soow In 2008

❀ And A Place to rest when it snows ❀


Garden Beauty s Like waves At the Ocean

Garden Beauty


So nice flower gardens with colorful flowers different height garden decoration ideas bring the beauty into any Garden

2015 Tropical apple tree

Cherry and Apple tree N Vancouver

plant right tree place aplus

Just plant your plants flowers and trees in the Right place place


2014 aplus card

Contact Me

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping
has been Working on the North Shore 25 years
In North Vancouver And West Vancouver and the GVRD

A-Plus Lawn and Garden does it professionally with all the Good tools and experience that is needed.
From -Lawn care to Tree topping, Pruning trees and Shrubs & Trimming hedges. also paving stones …. pathways and retaining walls.
Drainage and Ponds, Sprinkler systems & Rubbish Removal

My APlus Gardening Info

♩ ♬ Flowers, gardens, and trees make music in the yard ❄ •*♪ ♫

For more garden stuff Contact me

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping

North And West Vancouver BC For 25 Years As

❄ A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping…  ❄ •*♪ ♫

Lawn mower Storage tips.

Lawn mower Storage tips.lawn mower hot

Mower mechanics

Gas mowers are like little, simple automobiles, and the things you learn here could even be the first steps in learning how to take care of your own car. Some of the basics are similar.

Before doing anything else, remove the spark plug caps and unscrew the plug(s). This will prevent the mower from having any chance of starting accidentally while you’re tinkering with a belt or blade. Be sure to cover the open sparkplug hole(s) with lint-free cloth rags to prevent cylinder-damaging debris from dropping in. If plugs are worn, just replace ’em — they’re pretty cheap. Use an anti-seize compound on the threads so that you can replace them later without pulling a muscle or ruining the threads in the cylinder head. You might even keep a couple of spares on hand. Buy plugs that are pre-gapped for your engine — your owner’s manual will indicate the appropriate gap.

when your lawn needs a hero

If you didn’t drain your gas last fall before putting the mower away for the winter, do that now — stale gas makes a mower hard to start and difficult to keep running.

If the mower has a separate oil reservoir (and you didn’t change the oil in the fall), drain it and replace it with fresh. Check the owner’s manual, but most four-stroke engines take 30-weight oil. Check the oil and gas before running the mower each time. Note that old two-stroke engines will require mixing the oil and gas before putting it in the gas tank because they don’t have a separate oil reservoir.

Most mowers are air-cooled, so take the time to clean the gunk out from between the heat sink fins — you can use a dowel, stick, screwdriver, compressed air, etc. — and it will increase the life of your engine; too much heat causes extra wear and tear.

Take out the air filter and give it a going over every 25 hours or so of mowing — if it’s ragged or really dirty, replace it, otherwise clean it by tapping it on something to get the worst of the dust out and then stick it back in place. Make sure the housing and cover are clean before closing everything up. Often, wiping them with a damp (not wet) rag will handle this.

If you have a self-propelled model, it might be a good idea to take a moment to look at the belt and replace it if it’s cracked or worn.

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gar big lawn
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