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Oregano and Herbs for food

heal food herbs

Oregano oil is an effective food for thought and help


Oregano – an herb with an estimated 4 times the concentration of antioxidants as blueberries, 12 times that of oranges, 30 times that of potatoes and 42 times that of apples. It is well known as the most powerful antibiotic, which provides lots of healing properties.

The super oil of oregano has been used as a natural remedy in many ways, and it should be diluted before using:

1. Headache:

Rub the 50/50 mixture of oregano oil and olive oil on the forehead and temples, do not get any of it in your eyes.

2. Sore Throat:

The next time when you get a sore throat, simply add 1-2 drops of oregano oil to a glass of warm water and drink it, the symptoms will be relieved.

3. Toothaches:

Mix a drop of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and use it as a mouthwash, swish it around your tooth or gums for 2 minutes and spit it out.

4. Earache:

Also rub a 50/50 mixture of oregano oil and olive oil on the outside of the ear to cure the infection. For kids, use 25% oregano oil and 75% olive oil mixture.

5. Digestion:

Oregano oil is also effectively to relieve digestive problems, just take oregano oil internally 3 times a day and it will help to stimulate the flow of bile, thus aiding in digestion.

6. Insect Bites and Burns:

Prepare a 50/50 mixture of organic oregano oil and olive oil, then apply to the affected area to relieve the pain of any insect bites and burns.

7. Make An Natural Hand Sanitizer:

Mix 10 drops of oregano oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, use it as a natural hand sanitizer.

8. Fatigue:

Oregano oil helps to relieve sore muscles. Simply dilute a few drops of oregano oil in carrier oil and then massage on the sore muscles gently. Do this 3 times a day and you will feel relaxed.

9. Cleaning:

Oregano is an active ingredient for many DIY cleaning supplies. It can be added to water and sprayed around the kitchen and bathroom to remove bacteria and viruses.

10. Dandruff:

Oregano oil also controls dandruff. Add some drops to your shampoo and you will see results after some days.

11. Skin Problems:

Oregano oil is an effective treatment for some skin problems, including acne and eczema. Add a few drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and dab on the acne area using a cotton ball. Allow it dry up naturally, use it twice a day to cure the acne. Blend oregano oil with carrier oil and applying topically to control eczema.
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North And West Vancouver BC For 25 Years

Monsanto insists that “all labeled uses of glyphosate are safe for human health

We don't need Monsanto or any GMO's or toxic chemicals. Organic, sustainable farming is what we really need gov  We don’t need Monsanto or any GMO’s or toxic chemicals. Organic, sustainable farming is what we really need is help to stop it!

Glyphosate, which was invented by Monsanto back in 1974, is a bro  ad-spectrum herbicide used to kill weeds, especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses known to compete with commercial crops.

In the US the herbicide is considered safe since 2013, when Monsanto received approval from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for increased tolerance levels for glyphosate. In its original assessment the US watchdog said glyphosate can “be used without unreasonable risks to people or the environment.”The EPA said it would consider IARC’s evaluation.

In a recent report by the Center for Food Safety, the heavy proliferation of Roundup was linked to a drastic 90-percent drop in the population of monarch butterflies in the US. Roundup has become a leading killer of Glyphosate-sensitive milkweed plants – the only spots where monarchs lay eggs, as the plant is the only food source for monarch larvae.

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gmo usa play  GMO Feeding Time

The group’s review also said glyphosate and glyphosate formulations have induced “DNA and chromosomal damage” in mammals as well as in human and animal cells in vitro, and cited a study reporting increases in blood markers of “chromosomal damage” in residents of several communities after spraying of glyphosate formulations

The group’s review also said glyphosate and glyphosate formulations have induced “DNA and chromosomal damage” in mammals as well as in human and animal cells in vitro, and cited a study reporting increases in blood markers of “chromosomal damage” in residents of several communities after spraying of glyphosate formulations

Source here ;

A Green Thing about White Flour

The standard American diet is a diet of chronic disease and death. Our food supply has been killing us slowly.  White flour has been killing you!

 gmo usa play  GMO Feeding Time
In 1910, the Federal District Court of Missouri declared bleached white flour unfit as human food . But, unfortunately,  according to H.W. Wiley, first chief of the Food and Drug Administration, the enforcement of this law was “halted through the political influence of the flour millers” and “no notice of violations has since been made by the FDA.” Mr. Wiley’s book “The History of a Crime Against the Pure Food Law” discusses this case. (Reference here)  Nowadays,  flour is made from wheat that is being treated with fungicides, pesticides, and insecticides from seedling to storage. Since then approximately 60 different chemicals have been approved to bleach flour.

Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers

5 Secrets About White Flour That will Shock You

 1. Bleached Flour has no nutrients.

The manufacturers of white flour first remove the wheat seed’s bran, it’s 6 outer layers, and the germ which contains 76% of the vitamins and minerals. 97% of the dietary fiber is also lost.” It removes all Vitamin E, 50% of calcium, 70% phosphorus, iron, magnesium and B vitamins.

2.  Added Potassium Bromate

After removing all the layers, and nutrients, flour is bleached, preserved, and aged with chlorine dioxide. It is further whitened by adding chalk, alum, and ammonium carbonate to make it look and feel more appealing to the consumer. An anti-salting agent called sorbitan mono-saturate is added in the final stage.  Potassium bromate is also added to white flour.  It is very powerful oxidizer that damages cells. Bromate is considered a category 2B carcinogen (= possibly carcinogenic to humans) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).  Potassium bromate has been banned in most of developed countries in 1994 including all countries in European Union (chlorine, bromates, and peroxides in food is banned in the EU), UK, Canada

3.  White flour is a natural insecticide

Did you know that if an insect gets into the bag of white flour and starts eating it, that insect will die from consuming it? White flour is a natural insecticide because it kills any insect that attempts to live off of it. 

4.  Contains L-cysteine

This non essential amino acid is added to most conventional baked goods  to speed industrial processing. L-cysteine is found in the majority of pizza doughs, cookies, pastas, pastries and fast food buns.

It can be synthesized in a laboratory but  cheaper production methods include duck feathers and human hair.  Besides human hair, other sources of L-cysteine include chicken feathers, cow horns and petroleum byproducts.Most of the L-cysteine comes from China where there’s a history of poor regulation. It is disgusting and scary.

5. White flour contains diabetes-causing contaminant alloxan

White flour contains alloxan. It is what makes your bread look fresh and clean.  Studies show that alloxan destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. Alloxan’s harmful effects on the pancreas are so severe that the Textbook of Natural Medicine calls the chemical “a potent beta-cell toxin.” Unfortunately, knowing that alloxan is so toxic for your body, the FDA   still allows companies to use it when processing foods we ingest. Fortunately, studies have found that the effects of alloxan can be reversed with   vitamin E. According to Dr. Gary Null’s Clinicians Handbook of Natural Healing, vitamin E effectively protected lab rats from the harmful effects of administered alloxan.


Parasite Cleansing … What Happen’s to your Food?…. You eat?

 Parasite Cleansing ... What Happen's  to your Food?....  You eat?

Parasites occur not only in Third World countries or in those who have travelled extensively. Eighty-five percent of North Americans have at least one form of parasite. Some authorities believe that the true figure may be as high as 95 percent. This means no one is completely immune from parasitic infestation.

What exactly is a parasite? A parasite is defined as any organism that lives on, or in, the body of another organism. In humans, parasites will feed on our cells, the food we eat, and even on the supplements we take. They range in size from microscopic single-celled organisms to tapeworms that can be up to 12 metres in length. Regardless of the size of the parasite, all can cause damage to the human body.

Symptoms and Sources

Parasites often mimic other disorders or produce no noticeable symptoms at all. When they do cause symptoms, a wide range can be displayed. The most common symptoms include:
diarrhea and/or constipation
gas, bloating, and cramps
rectal itching
persistent skin problems
dark circles under the eyes
lack of energy
disturbed sleep
muscle cramps or joint pain
post-nasal drip
Parasites can affect tissue anywhere in the body. Many disorders have been associated with them, including arthritis, appendicitis, weight problems, cancer, and epilepsy. Parasites can enter the bloodstream, so they are able to travel to any organ in the body. This can cause problems that are often unrecognized as parasite-related and can result in an incorrect diagnosis. Parasites cause damage not only when they feed on our cells, but also when they excrete their waste in our bodies. This waste poisons the body, overworking the organs of elimination and weakening the immune system.

parasite 2

Parasites can enter the body through the mouth, the nose, or be absorbed through the skin. They can also be transmitted via insect carriers.

Because exposure to these carriers can also cause a condition known as candida (an overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal tract), candida and parasites tend to appear together.

Parasites survive best in an unhealthy internal environment. In order for our intestinal tract and colon to be healthy, there must be a balance between “good” and “bad” bacteria. Once the ideal ratio (80:20) is disrupted, the intestinal environment becomes conducive to parasite infestation. Factors that contribute to this imbalance range from drugs such as antibiotics, immune-suppressants, and steroids to a diet too high in refined carbohydrates.

Get Rid of Them!

What is the best way to get rid of parasites? First, look to your diet. As candida and parasites tend to coexist, it is wise to treat both simultaneously. This will require strict adherence to an anti-candida/parasite diet emphasizing organic vegetables and excluding refined carbohydrates, sugar in all forms, and fermented foods.

Before taking an antiparasitic supplement, make sure the bowels are working efficiently. If you are not having regular bowel movements (at least one and ideally two to three per day), you may end up reabsorbing toxins back into your system. Therefore, it is important to start with a detox program that focuses on the colon but also does some cleansing of the liver and other channels of elimination (i.e. kidneys, skin, lungs, etc.). An herbal cleanse with magnesium hydroxide, which brings water to the bowels, is most effective. This will prepare the body for the cleanse, and it will also help in reducing the die-off reaction once you start the parasite cleanse program.

The Parasite Cleanse Program

Look for an antimicrobial and antifungal cleanse kit at your local health food store that has been formulated to address parasites as well as candida. A cleanse which includes a mixture of the following herbs is best:
black walnut extract (extracted from the fresh green hull, in a liquid form)
caprylic acid
grapefruit seed/rind
wormwood extract
clove bud
garlic bulb
pau d’arco
pumpkin seed
rosemary leaf and seed
thyme leaf and seed
marshmallow root
orange peel
This herbal formulation should be taken daily for 15 days, then take a five-day break before continuing with the cleanse for another 15 days. It is important to take a break in order to kill the parasites in all stages of development

Enzymes and Fibre Help

Along with a herbal formula, there are two other necessary supplements to take when removing parasites: enzymes with hydrochloric acid and fibre. Most people with parasites have low levels of digestive enzymes and stomach acid (hydrochloric acid). These two items are the body’s natural defence against parasites contained in food and water. As parasites cannot thrive when normal levels of enzymes and hydrochloric acid are present, taking a plant-based enzyme formula with hydrochloric acid works not only to optimize digestion, but to reduce your risk for another infestation of parasites.

Taking extra fibre while on an antiparasite cleanse is important as the fibre helps to absorb and sweep out dead parasitic material and toxins. Parasite cleansing may cause a “cleansing crisis,” which can consist of headaches, nausea, and flu-like symptoms. By supplementing with fibre, you not only reduce the amount of toxins in your body but greatly reduce the unpleasant side effects. A flax-based fibre provides the recommended ratio of 50 percent soluble fibre and 50 percent insoluble fibre. This ratio allows for a good cleansing action in the colon and will not dehydrate the colon, causing constipation, as psyllium-based fibres often do.

Heal the Damage

Once you have finished the herbal cleanse, you may wish to consider some maintenance products to help heal the damage to the intestines caused by parasites. A therapeutic strength L-glutamine (at least 5,000 mg daily) can help to heal the intestinal tract lining. Taking probiotics such as acidophilus and bifidus will bring back a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria in the intestinal tract. Finally, taking an enzyme with hydrochloric acid (follow the instructions on the label) will ensure that your intestinal environment is not conducive to future parasite and candida infestation. [END]

Common Sources of Parasites
contaminated soil
contaminated fruits and vegetables
raw or rare meat
pets infested with parasites
contact with feces (e.g., through daycare centres)
polluted water
contact with someone who has parasites
About the Author
Brenda Watson, ND, CT, is a naturopathic doctor and colon therapist. President of the International Association of Colon Therapists, she is a leading authority in North America on internal cleansing

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Wyatt the Dog, stolen in truck from Squamish Chief, parking lot: Bellingham owner devastated

Find the Dog Wyatt! He has been stolen or lost a the Chief in Squamish after his 2002 Dodge Ram 2500 4×4 truck was Stolen from his owner Choltco-Devlin.
It has a Washington state licence plate B95011L.

I am in North Vancouver, you can contact the news or me here for more help.

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping North And West Vancouver BC For 25 Years

Water is the key to life.

Water is the key to life

Lets keep sharing this key to life and keep it blue instead of turning it into a green price-tag $

Or a green puddle with red veins called rivers,

With polluting  with a crazy policy called  “cash flow” for the rich oil company’s.

Free Beer and help here at A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping.

Free Beer

A good job done and the reward is a free beer and a good job From the

Find the help here at A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping. A-Plus has been serving the West Vancouver and North Vancouver as well as Burnaby and Vancouver City For 25 Years
Doing all the jobs for you.
So you can rest and watch or just enjoy the benefits of a A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping job done for you.

the Visalus secret

The Visalus secret

The Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge with ViSalus? It’s not a secret anymore,… its proven to work for me and still does, its just a mater of getting the product out there to make money to pay for yours which is the hard part.
the best thing is that it is a great health thing to have a breakfast. And the shake for me in the morning is all i need till dinner. … Almost because a beer before dinner works too. after a hard days work at my real job …

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