Archive | April 2016

Focused thoughts for you, to Focus the Energy


2015 02 16 Mexico Akumal sunrise nicon

Energy flows where attention goes. Focused your thoughts to focus the energy, and energy moves energy.

Thoughts don’t make things happen. Focused thoughts are what make things happen.

To put it very simply, thoughts generate mental waves that influence emotional waves that influence physical waves that result in physical experience.

In terms of health, thoughts cause emotions that cause physical reactions that may result in health or illness, depending on the degree of focus of the thoughts and the strength and duration of the emotions. The physical reactions may be resistance causing stress that inhibits the natural healing process, or relaxation and action that stimulates the healing process.

In terms of relationships, thoughts about other people may cause emotions of fear and anger or love and compassion that may cause physical reactions of avoidance or violence or connection and and cooperation.

You could examine any other area of human endeavor and see the same thing happening. People don’t take physical action until they are moved to do so by emotions that are generated by thoughts.



Happiness can be, essentially, a state of mind, or a particular outlook on life. But often times we can observe how our mind is affected by what goes on around us, sometimes by things which do not matter that much. Nonetheless, we get sucked into thinking that it matters a lot. Thus, our thoughts and consciousness become absorbed in negativity, which can greatly affect our disposition, or the way we relate to people, and pave the way for a less than happy future

Think of plans that can assist the whole of humanity. Raise your level of consciousness. To understand that you are a co-creator is to be in harmony with the universe, acting as a servant of and co-worker with the Divine. If you fail to appreciate this reality, you can become destructive and are responsible for causing even more chaos in society or disharmony in your life.

We all have that special place to Go     (❥ˆ◡ˆ)ღ¨ •○๑۩

2014 pne Lions Gate Sunset and Vancouver North Shore Lynnterm


I like to place Post-It notes with positive quotes on my computer, fridge door, and mirror as reminders to stay positive. Also, I’d like to share with you a quote by an unknown author that was shared in a meditation class that I attended:

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Happy positive thinking!

10 Tips to Overcome Negative Thoughts: Positive Thinking Made Easy

(❥ˆ◡ˆ)ღ¨ from the Garden  •○๑۩

My APlus Gardening music notes yp

Spring Sunshine In North Vancouver

✬ ¯`•.¸¸ღ ❥ Flowers And Blooming ❥ღ¯`•.¸¸✬


Last Week of Clouds changes When Growth Is Faster with Sun this week


And April is a new change In warm weather as the lawn start to grow

when your lawn needs a hero

Chafer Beetles Destroyed Your Lawn?

Some of the most extensive lawn damage we’ve seen lately has been courtesy of the invasive chafer beetle. With grubs feeding on grass roots throughout much of the year, lawns can quickly become wilted and brown as they struggle to acquire much-needed nutrients and water. Above ground, birds and small mammals act as mini roto-tillers as they search out a meal of grubs. The end result of chafer beetle infection is often wide sections of lawn, damaged beyond repair.

2016 03 23 crow beatle bug dig mess spring lawn garden aplus

By amending their existing soil with a quality topsoil to improve the nutritional quality and structure of their soil – the better to support a beautiful lawn!.

Some lawns may also benefit from the addition of garden lime, as heavy concentrations of weeds and moss are one signal that your soil may be too acidic. Learn more about what garden lime is and when you should consider using before applying lime to your lawn.

Keep grass healthy, long to ward off chafer beetles

letting grass grow to combat chafer beetle infestations.

“The adults in the summer have to lay their eggs into the turf grass, and if the turf is thin or if the grass is very short then they have no problem getting their ovipositors [organ used to lay eggs] into the grass,”

More on chafer beetles in B.C.
“If your lawn is mossy or thin, or if you over water, over fertilize that makes the grass really soft, really easy to rip up, so those kinds of things make lawns susceptible to chafer beetle.

“Really if the grass is healthy and the roots are deep and your grass isn’t cut too short, then chafer beetle is not a big problem.”2017 06 19 wv Vancoiuver BC ubc eagleridge flowers aplus fire p ss a

When you meditate your third eye may show itself

Pineal Gland activation with 936Hz solfeggio frequency, Third eye opening with binaural beats meditation music.

2015 02 14 Mexico Akumal sunrise 1

When you meditate your third eye may show itself to you without you even trying. However, if you consciously want to see it, you should, during meditation, concentrate on your third eye area (between your brows). However, you should not focus on this area too intensely. You just have to be aware of that area.
When you concentrate on your third eye area, you’ll start feeling a tingling sensation or a slight pressure/vibration in that area. This always means that the third eye chakra is awakening, no matter how small pressure/vibration you’re experiencing.

After some days, or even the same day of you trying to see the third eye, you may start seeing the colors of it. You may straight away become aware of your third eye, but that doesn’t happen often.

With the opening of your third eye chakra your sixth sense sharpens and you become more in tune with the universe. Your personal traits may not change much, but you’ll have a greater knowledge of this world and others.

How to know that you awakened your third eye?

You can be assured that your third eye is awakened if you close your eyes and can see:

White/blue/purple colours
Intense white dots
Black sky with numerous stars
The shape of the eye/square/circle/some other shape filled with blue or purple colour
These are all signs that you’ve awakened your third eye.

If you feel the pressure or some activity in your third eye chakra, that means that your third eye is being awakened and soon you’ll be able to see with it.

How long does it take to open the third eye?

It’s not a question of how long it takes to open. That’s a relative question. Technically if you think of the third eye seeing potential, actually strangely means the third is never 100% open, We use our main physical senses to see what is real. Rather it’s a skill, that a person can refined and develop over an entire lifetime.

What open means is: that a person considers the third eye to be reliable enough that they trust to what they see from it. That measure of trust varies greatly from person to person.

It’s important never to rush the process of learning the third eye. Don’t get lost in all the potential you see with an open third eye. With patience consolidate your practice into more concise routines. Otherwise in potential ideas will blend together to create something different and misleading.

Because we want to validate our third eye is open, people often share raw ideas and visions before they really have had the time to process them properly.
When talking with others, slow down and don’t overwhelm them with too much all at once otherwise

(1) What you experience gets distorted,
(2) People are pushed away from you to further isolate you
(3) You get frustrated in the break down of communication
(4) Frustration generates conflict and ironically more frustration that then limits your third eye absolutely.
(5) You end up taking it to places further away from a grounded and healthy life.
(6) You end up closing your third eye, because you cannot validate the potential you see.

Doubts disrupt, dispel and close the third eye very easily. Take the time to explore and be patient so you don’t push it too far from reality. Staying grounded is very important, when people get ungrounded, you lose trust and personal faith quickly. It’s fine to be excited, but many people will take your excitement the wrong way since they don’t trust their own truth. So share in a quieter manner and you will find people respond back in a stronger and more positive way.

It takes a life time to truly open the third eye. Patience and modesty allow you to take the time to work with your third eye at its own opening pace

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