Archive | April 2013

take one down… and pass it around

take one down... and pass it around

now that I may have your attention with Bob and Doug “the government needs to be roCked”
not by dollars …. but by people. before we lose to the government WoodY from Cheers narrates this!lets put

Garden boys on watch here at A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping. West Vancouver and North Vancouver Doing all the jobs for you.

Garden boys on watch

Find the help here at A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping. A-Plus has been serving the West Vancouver and North Vancouver as well as Burnaby and Vancouver City For 25 Years
Doing all the jobs for you.

So you can rest and watch or just enjoy the benefits of a A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping job done for you.

Why the GOP won’t challenge vote fraud

fix it now... Quickly!The government does what it Wants (or what the bankers Say!)

Need Help OR a rest …?

Need  Help  OR a rest ...?
Find the help here at A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping

How To Prune Garden Shrubs in Spring.

Spring is my favorite time of year as we get to spend time outside playing in the garden. Here is an overview of how to effectively care for your plants and shrubs. Shrub pruning can be done once the temperature stays over 40F or 4.5C.

Shrubs and Plants

Spring is the time to treat your plants to some TLC. Check shrubs for dead branches or winter damage and prune out broken or torn branches using clean cuts. Trim any perennials or grasses that have been left through winter. Shade plants such as hostas should be cleared of any debris or leaves to prevent rot. Wet leaves made soggy from winter rain and snow need to be removed from the crown of the plant for healthy perennial growth.

Hard Prune Shrubs

Pruning deciduous shrubs now will reward you later with a vigorous show of flowers. Many shrubs benefit greatly from being hard pruned. Shrubs such as Buddleja (butterfly bush), Cornus (dogwood shrub) and Cotinus (purple-leafed smoke bush) get cut right back for a grand show in summer. You can cut your dogwood shrubs right to a couple of inches above ground, this encourages a surge of new, bright red canes to sprout out for your enjoyment next winter when all the leaves are gone. Butterfly bush can be cut back to its trunk-like structure. Long, arcing branches will grow from this base – and rather quickly, I might add! Smoke bush can be given the same treatment as butterfly bush. Decide on the skeleton you’d like to keep, and cut branches back to this architectural structure from which your plant will take shape. Remember that hard pruning of shrubs with deciduous leaves actually rejuvenates the plant, encouraging it to grow vigorously.

Hydrangea Pruning

Hydrangea Limelight

Hydrangeas will greatly benefit from having one third of existing branches cut out. Remember, on remaining branches, to leave the top buds that were formed last year as they are this year’s flowers. Hydrangea pruning can seem to be intimidating, but by following these hydrangea pruning tips you will have a gorgeous plant with big, showy flowers. Cut out branches using a pair of loppers, make cuts three to four inches above ground level. Choose older branches that are thicker than the others, where the bark is separating and peeling off in papery strips.

Embrace Your Roses

When pruning roses, I like to follow a couple of rules of thumb. If you pruned your roses in fall, then follow your cuts from the previous season and shorten the remaining branch so that there are three new buds above last year’s cut. If you are pruning your rose for the first time since last spring, aim to leave three buds on each branch above the cuts you made last year. For climbing roses, you will be cutting back several feet off each limb. Another great tip for pruning roses is to leave the top bud facing to the outside of the plant, this will encourage the branch to grow outward, instead of crossing back into the centre of the rose bush. Spring is the perfect time to cut out dead, brown branches and anything that has been damaged or torn during the winter months. To really invigorate the plant, cut out 2-3 of the oldest canes. Look right at the base of the plant and cut out a cane that is thick and becoming woody. This encourages new canes to sprout right from the base. Do this trick and you will be rewarded with amazing blooms come summer. With roses being so susceptible to diseases such as black spot, I always disinfect my pruning shears before and after working on roses. This is an easy way to prevent the spread of disesase.

Trim Hedges into Perfect Shape

Formal hedges also benefit from a shaping to look clean with manicured, straight lines. This can be done by hand with shears or using powered trimmers. This task is great to do in spring as it sets the shape of your hedges before the push of new growth, making it much easier to keep your hedge’s form intact.

Embrace your garden in spring. The plants and your shrubs will reward you for your early season efforts.

A-Plus has been serving the West Vancouver and North Vancouver For 25 Years
doing all the jobs for you.
so you can rest and watch or just enjoy the benefits of a A-Plus job done for you.

Find the help here at A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping

All Rubbish Removed
Retaining walls
tree topping
Paving stones and repairs
Pressure Washing
Garden Clean Up
Garden Reno
Hedge Trimming
Hedge Installation
Weekly/Bi-Weekly Gardening
Bark Mulch
Raised Vegetable Garden
Weeding garden beds
Installing decomposed bark mulch
Pruning shrubs, pruning back bushes and trees that overhang the lawn areas and up-pruning shrubs for easy raking
Raking lawns and garden beds of leaves and debris
Edging cement borders of lawns
Edging garden borders of lawns
Blowing pathways and sidewalks
Raking debris out of lawns (fallen leaves, branches etc.)
Mowing and lawn care needs

Find the help here at A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping2013 apluscard

Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Yard Safety Tips

safety First so you can finish the job

LawnGreen Lawn & Landscaping Ltd

A list of yard safety tips can never be complete. No one can warn us against unforeseeable circumstances, nor are even the most cautious of us immune to Murphy’s Law. Besides, what one person regards as an “obvious” danger will catch another quite unawares. When all is said and done, the best tips are those that are broadest in nature, those whose aim is to inform our overall approach with a healthy trepidation.

In other words, your best defense against injury is common sense

  • Follow directions that come with equipment and other products. This can mean reading the dreaded manual; I sympathize with you!
  • Learn to ask questions. For instance, when you buy something at the hardware store, ask the salesperson for specific safety tips regarding the use of the product.
  • Assess the danger potential of an action before you take it, because it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • Don’t be in…

View original post 568 more words

Water is the key to life.

Water is the key to life

Lets keep sharing this key to life and keep it blue instead of turning it into a green price-tag $

Or a green puddle with red veins called rivers,

With polluting  with a crazy policy called  “cash flow” for the rich oil company’s.

*Please note that we are not a registered investment firm or broker/dealer. Only a registered broker or investment adviser may advise you individually on the suitability and performance of your portfolio or specific investments. Email: Contact us: =1-410 240-7186 Located in: Baltimore, MD USA

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