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Bees for our gardens and Crops

Maple Buds


2015 03 27    garden maple blooming trees

“Our quality of life – and our future – depends on the many services that nature provides for free. Pollination is one of these services, so it is very worrying to learn that some of our top pollinators [bees] are at risk!” said Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

“In terms of global agricultural production volumes, 35 percent comes from crops that depend on pollinators, mainly insects. Out of the 124 main crops grown for global human consumption, 87 (70 percent) require insect pollination for seed  production.”

If all honey bees disappeared, it would be catastrophic for agriculture, as we know it, and we would certainly suffer grievously, but we would survive. Nevertheless, over time, other pollinators could, and would, take over all the tasks that the Jack-of-all-trades performs today. This would require profound changes in agriculture to meet these pollinators’ needs such as nesting habitat, diversity of crops, protection from pesticides and more. Fortunately, several groups of pollination experts are already exploring this issue and coming with alternatives.

metallic green bee, Andrena, bumble bee, leafcutter Megachile

If all honey bees disappeared, it would be catastrophic for agriculture, as we know it, and we would certainly suffer grievously, but we would survive. Nevertheless, over time, other pollinators could, and would, take over all the tasks that the Jack-of-all-trades performs today. This would require profound changes in agriculture to meet these pollinators’ needs such as nesting habitat, diversity of crops, protection from pesticides and more. Fortunately, several groups of pollination experts are already exploring this issue and coming with alternatives.

2015 02 14  Mexico Akumal sunrise 1
☀ In the morning as we see the light,☿ It gives us more strength till Night ☽

ufo shit

The bees work for Us Lets work for them

dog Pchyolka, a bee-dog. Ekaterina thinks that the dog with its smooth fur really looks like a bee

how to see the bug problem escalate

A Green Thing about White Flour

The standard American diet is a diet of chronic disease and death. Our food supply has been killing us slowly.  White flour has been killing you!

 gmo usa play  GMO Feeding Time
In 1910, the Federal District Court of Missouri declared bleached white flour unfit as human food . But, unfortunately,  according to H.W. Wiley, first chief of the Food and Drug Administration, the enforcement of this law was “halted through the political influence of the flour millers” and “no notice of violations has since been made by the FDA.” Mr. Wiley’s book “The History of a Crime Against the Pure Food Law” discusses this case. (Reference here)  Nowadays,  flour is made from wheat that is being treated with fungicides, pesticides, and insecticides from seedling to storage. Since then approximately 60 different chemicals have been approved to bleach flour.

Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers

5 Secrets About White Flour That will Shock You

 1. Bleached Flour has no nutrients.

The manufacturers of white flour first remove the wheat seed’s bran, it’s 6 outer layers, and the germ which contains 76% of the vitamins and minerals. 97% of the dietary fiber is also lost.” It removes all Vitamin E, 50% of calcium, 70% phosphorus, iron, magnesium and B vitamins.

2.  Added Potassium Bromate

After removing all the layers, and nutrients, flour is bleached, preserved, and aged with chlorine dioxide. It is further whitened by adding chalk, alum, and ammonium carbonate to make it look and feel more appealing to the consumer. An anti-salting agent called sorbitan mono-saturate is added in the final stage.  Potassium bromate is also added to white flour.  It is very powerful oxidizer that damages cells. Bromate is considered a category 2B carcinogen (= possibly carcinogenic to humans) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).  Potassium bromate has been banned in most of developed countries in 1994 including all countries in European Union (chlorine, bromates, and peroxides in food is banned in the EU), UK, Canada

3.  White flour is a natural insecticide

Did you know that if an insect gets into the bag of white flour and starts eating it, that insect will die from consuming it? White flour is a natural insecticide because it kills any insect that attempts to live off of it. 

4.  Contains L-cysteine

This non essential amino acid is added to most conventional baked goods  to speed industrial processing. L-cysteine is found in the majority of pizza doughs, cookies, pastas, pastries and fast food buns.

It can be synthesized in a laboratory but  cheaper production methods include duck feathers and human hair.  Besides human hair, other sources of L-cysteine include chicken feathers, cow horns and petroleum byproducts.Most of the L-cysteine comes from China where there’s a history of poor regulation. It is disgusting and scary.

5. White flour contains diabetes-causing contaminant alloxan

White flour contains alloxan. It is what makes your bread look fresh and clean.  Studies show that alloxan destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. Alloxan’s harmful effects on the pancreas are so severe that the Textbook of Natural Medicine calls the chemical “a potent beta-cell toxin.” Unfortunately, knowing that alloxan is so toxic for your body, the FDA   still allows companies to use it when processing foods we ingest. Fortunately, studies have found that the effects of alloxan can be reversed with   vitamin E. According to Dr. Gary Null’s Clinicians Handbook of Natural Healing, vitamin E effectively protected lab rats from the harmful effects of administered alloxan.


Exposing The Global Elite they have internet with pics of us all over it I

“I think it’s absolutely essential that the public pay attention and get involved in expressing their view.”


★ If “They” Are not trellling you There is a Reason █

Uncover the absolutely shocking facts they don’t want you to know…

In this Natural News report, you’ll learn startling details that are 100% true, yet never mentioned in the mainstream media or by health authorities. Discover things like:

How the modern cancer industry is actually a medical cabal of criminal government, corporate and non-profit groups that have all agreed to suppress cancer cures and make sure cancer keeps worsening.

How modern chemotherapy chemicals are derived from the chemical weapon known as “mustard gas” used throughout World Wars I and II
Why 75% of physicians refuse to undergo chemotherapy (but they recommend it to their own patients).

Fact: Modern-day blood-thinning drugs are made from a combination of rat poison and pig intestines.

Fact: The former chairman of Bayer was found guilty of Nazi war crimes during the Nuremberg trials.
FDA-admitted fact: How prescription drugs kill one million Americans every decade.
How the 1910 “Flexner Report” initiated a century of suppression of natural cures (and endless profits for organized medicine).
Fact: Most diseases can be prevented or cured with minerals, but the medical establishment has criminalized any such claims.

The truth about a prominent psychiatric doctor who would remove patients’ teeth and other organs in order to “cure” them of mental disorders. He claims an 85 percent cure rate.

Fact: If you’re eating non-organic food, you’re probably eating Zyklon B, the chemical used by Hitler to gas Jews to death.

Fact: Water fluoridation chemicals have never been approved by the FDA. They remain a global medical “experiment.”

A hundred years ago, only 1 in 100,000 Americans had diabetes and heart attacks were a rarity. Pediatric cancer was almost non-existent. What changed?

The real truth about the FDA’s suppression of a known cancer cure.

How LIFE Magazine promoted sugar as a weight-loss aid, and JAMA promoted cigarettes as a way to increase your brain function.

How a long-time editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association was actually a quack and a fraudster. He also ran the AMA.

The truth about modern-day vaccines and where they really come from: Nazi medical experiments.

How the USDA sold out to corporate food interests while abandoning the nutritional needs of the American people.

… and many other facts that will open your eyes and blow your mind. All 25 facts are verified as true and backed up with sources and citations. This isn’t fiction! It’s hard-core truth about the food industry and why you need to know what you’re really eating.

and more photo facts here on this link

enjoy and share the facts :] from Life and …..

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping
has been Working on the North Shore 25 years
In North Vancouver And West Vancouver and the GVRD

A-Plus Lawn and Garden does it professionally with all the Good tools and experience that is needed.

From -Lawn care to Tree topping, Pruning trees and Shrubs & Trimming hedges. also paving stones Pathways and retaining walls.
Drainage and Ponds, Sprinkler systems & Rubbish Removal.

Health is not GMO”s with monsanto

New research from Canada show that BT toxins are showing up in pregnant women, and low and behold – they are killing human embryo cells. 2014 is the year of the horse, but we’re not through beating this one to death.
more here

Fish in our waters Need Help :]

Fish in our waters Need Help :]

Please share, the Harper government has cut over $100-million related to water protection. Time to take back by investing in local control!   fish poster


click for larger picture     and share please :]

heres  one found in Chillawack  BCfish chilliwackyellowsalmon

Water travels the easy Route.. the fastest way down the hill.



The price of a litre of bottled water in B.C. is often higher than a litre of gasoline.

However, the price paid by the world’s largest bottled water company for taking 265 million litres of fresh water every year from a well in the Fraser Valley — not a cent.

Because of B.C.’s lack of groundwater regulation, Nestlé Waters Canada — a division of the multi-billion-dollar Switzerland-based Nestlé Group, the world’s largest food company — is not required to measure, report, or pay a penny for the millions of litres of water it draws from Hope and then sells across Western Canada.

According to the provincial Ministry of Environment, “B.C. is the only jurisdiction in Canada that doesn’t regulate groundwater use.”

“The province does not license groundwater, charge a rental for groundwater withdrawals or track how much bottled water companies are taking from wells,” said a Ministry of Environment spokesperson in an email to The Province.

This isn’t new. Critics have been calling for change for years now, saying the lack of groundwater regulation is just one outdated example from the century-old Water Act.

The Ministry of Environment has said they plan — in the 2014 legislature sitting — to introduce groundwater regulation with the proposed Water Sustainability Act, which would update and replace the existing Water Act, established in 1909. But experts note that successive governments have been talking about modernizing water for decades, but the issue keeps falling off the agenda.

water  bomb

USA notice…

Prevent Water Theft and Avoid Penalties: Be Sure Your Landscape Irrigation
System Is Properly Metered
As summer approaches, please take a moment to check your outside water connections for
landscape irrigation. If your system bypasses the meter, it has been installed illegally, and must
be corrected immediately.

A number of illegally connected irrigation systems were recently discovered during an audit and
field investigations by Utilities Department staff. We constantly monitor unusual losses of water
in order to locate and correct the problems before they impact the finances of the department,
and ultimately the water rates for all of us.

Unmetered water connections of any kind, whether intentional or accidental, are illegal and are
considered to be water theft. Illegal water use has a negative impact on all Township water
customers because they must bear the burden of additional costs. Because water theft can
cause such serious problems to the public water supply, it is considered to be a serious offense,
and can result in fines as well as civil or criminal prosecution.

Property owners, associations, tenants, or private contractors must help the Township prevent
water theft by making sure their systems are legally metered. If you are unsure whether your
water system is in compliance, please contact the Utilities office at 734-822-3105 for a free
inspection by the Utilities staff.

Your assistance in discouraging the illegal use of water is greatly appreciated, and will benefit all
of us who use the public water supply. Please contact the Utilities office at 734-822-3105 to
report any suspected illegal water activity.


A “Dirty Water Crisis” That We May Not Survive…

The water we are forced to drink in North
America is a toxic stew of manmade chemicals,
disease bacterium, dangerous pharmaceuticals, and deadly environmental waste by-products.

The health toll inflicted by the growing menace of “Dirty Water” is growing rapidly every single day.
There are 3 Deadly Dangers in your water that I will be exposing in this report. I will explain how each one of these invaders has gotten into our water supply and what damage these silent killers can do to you and your family’s health if left unchecked.
Each one is deadly in its own way. But when you put them all together it becomes clear that we are all facing…
Water is the key to life and I needed to discover what was really happening to our water supply. What I found on my journey deeply saddened me, but certain things that I learned also gave me hope at the same time.
I will share some of those insights with you as well within this report. I promise you will walk away with solutions and not just more unanswered questions.
I realized that water is our most precious resource and if we don’t protect it, very little else would matter in our lives!
If our water supply is not secure we will not live for more
than a few days. The human body cannot survive for more
than 3 days without clean, pure water.
Therefore I came to understand that it was critical that I
protect my water supply, so I declared what I like to call “Water Freedom” and I will explain how you can do the exact same
thing that I did near the end of this report.
All this means that I have spent countless hours in the
library hunched over dusty old medical journals searching for
the clues to what is really happening to our most precious
resource. I have read hundreds of studies and reports and uncovered research that the government and medical establishment has tried to bury.
At times I felt like a character out of a mystery novel, searching the globe for the keys to a mystery that haunted my
every move. I was a man on a mission, on a desperate
search for clues that all lead me to one sobering conclusion…

more here

A-Plus Gardening and Landscaping North And West Vancouver BC For 25 Years

We are flushing out these energies….

We are flushing out these energies....

by Zen Gardner

The takeover of the earth’s energy grid being executed on our planet’s spiritual energy system by clearly malevolent forces has been in effect for eons. I am personally convinced that at this juncture in our timeline we are flushing out these energies with very powerful, positive ones and literally lighting up and pushing back the dark side by our spiritual realizations and directed energy efforts, whether done consciously or subconsciously.

The “current” manipulators have gone techno-mad in this arena, messing with the natural Shumann resonance of the planet and de-naturalizing anything they can via the massive man-made electromagnetic grid.

These spiritual parasites who intend only self serving destructive evil are quickly overcome when confronted with proactive truth energies from the awake and aware spirits of those who have overcome their influences, all of which influences are driven by irrational fear. I also contend there is an array of other energetic entities we thereby activate in other realms to perpetrate the same overcoming, but we are generally prevented from fully understanding them by the very nature of the structure of the Universe.

We have much to learn in this arena but it’s all contingent on our actions. Nothing’s coming to save humanity without humanity coming alive and activating for itself. Then maybe we can commandeer some supra-natural sympathetic energetic help to some degree, but not without serious commitment on each of our parts. They’re not the valiant rescuers you’d like to think. It’s way more metaphysically causal than that.

Shallow pleas and scared petitions, no matter how sincere, simply empower the Enemy and his negative energy grid with fear, helplessness and a sense of disempowerment.

We all have our experiences to draw upon. To the uninitiated this will sound a bit out there, but the parallel worlds around us are very much a reality in our lives. How much we learn about them is up to each of us. My take? Don’t fear it. Learn. The dark side does not dominate the Universe by any means. It has virtually mastered the fear trade, but that paradigm is getting blown to pieces more by the minute.

Wade in with wisdom. You might need help or more info from others more experienced.

I like the article below because it approaches a very real and tangible aspect of spirituality – the very energy grid of our wonderful home. Tap into it, reverse anything negative, and flush out and energize your part of the world. Energy workers are very familiar with this, but this reality needs to come into a greater consciousness in my opinion, which will in turn convert more energy devices like ourselves to contribute to the right grid after all!

Tesla did say, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Now we’re talking! Extrapolate that! We’re dealing with quite the realm around us! How exciting! It’s only taboo because they conditioned you against it. March on and claim the land!

secrets of the universe Spiral between heaven and earth

The Hyijacking

Much has been written on this subject and even more experienced. We simply need to be aware of this aspect of the parasitic attack on our planet and its species and learn how to reverse it. Enjoy this article about an informative, well researched book on the subject of energetic ley lines and their influence and how they’ve been adulterated and commandeered by the dark side.

As I said, we need to claim these channels and energy centers back. You may very well be near one or on one for yourself that you can utilize. Either way, you can send energy any way you want. Use it constructively.

Their invasive force is built on fear and intimidation, as well as luring the weak to supposedly share their “power” and so help push their weeny program. All lies, all deception, and never helpful to mankind, or beyond. We know better, and are “hands on deck”.

Let the wind fill your sails! – Zen

Ancient Energies of the Earth

David Cowan could be touching on the reality of how those who stole the ancient knowledge from us are able to control humanity by using and manipulating the natural and man-made earth ley energy system to their own ends.

Cowan’s book, Ancient Energies of the Earth, is a masterpiece of information exposing the existence of earth ley energies and their usage by the ancients for healing purposes, which should not only never be out of print; but should be compulsory reading for those interested in healing, the origins of standing stones and megaliths such as Stonehenge, the phenomenon of white and black energy spirals emanating from the earth and the most plausible explanation of the formation of crop circles.

Cowan has walked more than 3,000 miles over the hills of his native Perthshire, Scotland after stumbling upon an energy being emitted from a well known local standing stone. Cowan is a highly respected dowser, the kind of person who uses divining rods to find water, and whilst walking around this standing stone he found that his divining rods kept veering off in one particular direction, so he followed this ‘energy’. By following the direction the rods (he quickly resorted to using one) were pointing and with them constantly bringing him back on the track of the energy, he climbed up and over a hill, down the other side and found the energy guided him directly to another standing stone ! This astonishing discovery took Cowan on his epic of journeys on which he discovered and followed numerous energy lines, ‘leys’ connecting all kinds of standing stones, ancient buildings and sites.

He identified that some of these ley energy lines were natural and some were man made, deliberately made to send the leys through the houses, now called ‘shielings’ or ruins, of the ancients for healing purposes. By striking a large stone and hence making ‘cup marks’ (indents) into it the stone begins emitting energy, because unlike when you energise a ball by throwing it and it stops when it runs out of your energy, the energy created by hitting the stone has nowhere to go or ‘run out’ and so the stone begins emitting it in a steady stream. By placing the stone upright and directing the energy now being emitted in a certain direction, say to other energised stones far away, a ley energy grid can be set up and Andrew Cowan shows how to build your own ley energy grid in ‘Ancient Energies of the Earth’.

But Cowan’s travels and his life’s work identified far more. He found that ley lines wander off-line to pass through cavities, such as a dead sheep’s skull out on the moorland, a graveyard (the graves forming cavities) as well as water in the form of small ponds or lakes. After passing through these any ley he was following would always come back on line in the direction it had originally been heading. In other words if you build a cavity you can pull ley energies to it and through it and then they will return to being ‘on line’.

Cavities can be small or large such as churches, temples, cathedrals, domes, stately homes, palaces, sporting arenas and any other kind of ‘cavity’ you can think of. Archways are also cavities of a kind. All of these will be pulling natural and man-made ley energies both to and through themselves.

Cowan had previously found that white and black energy spirals emanate from the earth in certain places. He found that white energy makes a spiral one way as it rises and that it is healthy for human beings, black energy spirals the other way and is extremely unhealthy. He had already cured a number of people from severe ailments by identifying black energy spirals coming up through their houses and even under the beds of some, through using his divining rods. By placing interlocking glass plates over these black energy spirals Cowan was able to direct them away from people’s houses/beds and within a few weeks or months they invariably made a ‘miraculous’ recovery. Cowan’s work in these areas of Geopathic Stress is of the utmost importance as exposure to black energy can cause ME (Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome), MS, Necrotosing Fasciitis, Motor Neurone Disease, Alzheimers, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheumatism, Heart Problems, Allergies and Insomnia and Demonic Possession.

Just as the striking of a stone energises it so that it begins emitting energy, the forces unleashed by the shifting of tectonic plates deep within the earth result in the permanent emission of these good or bad energies in certain places, which can be used for good or bad purposes if one knows how.

Cowan identifies well known and lesser known leys running across the British Isles with some of the major ones having countless standing stone, megalithic and ancient ritual sites along their length.

The ancients understood exactly what they were doing.

More on this subject soon. Activating energies is of tantamount importance and we must learn how to do it to increase our leverage in this battle we’re in the midst of. Meanwhile, heightening our vibration and asserting our influence here and now is our full time obligation.

Love, Zen



drone caught nevada

Who is Watching Who?

Coal and Oil exports, to developing countries are soaring.

Coal export through ports in British Columbia is expected to rise rapidly.


Coal and Oil exports, to developing countries are soaring.

coal pile

Coal export through ports in British Columbia is expected to rise rapidly. The only way to prevent this is to charge our customers, mainly Japan and Korea, the proper $30 per ton of CO2 , which the British Columbians pay. Unless other countries do the same we lose all coal business and ruin our economy. Meantime the Americans take advantage of our low income tax rates, caused by the carbon tax, to buy their coal in BC via subsidiaries and ship it through our ports. This is a plea to the environmentalists to support a myriad of politicians, organisations  and industries in the US, Australia and South Africa, who understand the problem. They could get together and pressure their governments to charge the carbon tax on exported coal. Based on 2010 figures, these three countries together supply almost 40% of the coal. Indonesia is the largest other supplier, followed…

View original post 11,169 more words

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